The smooth and sweet spirit we all know and love, that has been around since the days of swashbuckling pirates, may have some health benefits. So, is drinking rum good for your health? If you have a refined taste that enjoys a nice rum on the weekend to relax and wind down from the responsibilities of the week, studies have shown you may have a lower risk of health problems.
If you’re one who loves rum, I’m sure you don’t need an excuse to swig down some more rum. Before we begin and just to be safe, we can’t stress enough that you shouldn’t use this as an excuse for heavy drinking. This isn’t an endorsement for binge drinking to cure any ailments. Please don’t go drinking it like you would a glass of water like a pirate. They drank it to fight scurvy, and we’re (pretty) sure you don’t have scurvy. Limiting your alcohol consumption can in fact reduce negative symptoms. Like anything else, really, drink in moderation.
Enough about that now, just remember to enjoy the health benefits that may be gained from moderate consumption of rum.
Rum can help fight colds and fevers
Rum has some medicinal properties that can help us feel a little bit better when we’re feeling under the weather. When we say it helps fight colds, and fevers we don’t mean that it can cure them. That isn’t to say it does nothing though. We’ve all been there. Stuck in bed, barely able to talk, and those cough lollies just aren’t cutting it.
So, if you do have a sore throat and need some relief, but just can’t seem to find it. Try pouring a small amount of rum – about 30ml – in a glass of hot water, a teaspoon of honey and a squeeze of lemon. Sip away at this little home remedy and your throat will feel so much better. In this medicinal cocktail, the rum clears any bacteria in your throat, because of the disinfecting properties.
Provides joint and muscle pain relief
If you have some mild muscle pains, either from feeling a little ill, or even sore from the gym, having a small glass of rum might just be the right thing in helping you feel that much better. More serious illnesses such as arthritis or osteoporosis might be slightly relieved by drinking rum. Diseases such as arthritis affect a lot of people, especially when coming into the later half of their lives. The joints between the bones get used a lot throughout the course of people’s lives and stress starts to build there, so the tissues between the joints become weaker and softer causing pain. The anti-inflammatory properties of rum can help alleviate pains.
So please, enjoy a nice glass after a full day, if you’re feeling just a little bit stiff. Who knows, maybe the pain will fade.
Help reduce stress and anxiety
The times we live in now can be tough, and just when we think everything is getting better, another crisis comes along. There’s no other way around it, we live in stressful times. Our brains seem to just hold in and bottle up all the issues in the world as if somehow it’s all directly related to us. The thing is, half the time we can’t actually do much about it.
Your brain, much like muscles, needs time to relax after overactivity. It’s healthy to think about things and be proactive, but at the same time, it’s just as healthy to take a moment to yourself, and just chill out. Sometimes though, anxiety and stress can prevent you from doing that and there may be a solution to that. It’s a glass of rum, of course! Alcohol within rum can alter the chemical balance in your brain, changing how you process everything. That’s why when we’ve had a bit to drink everything appears to move slowly. This is your brain relaxing, and essentially not caring about the world around you.
So, whilst you shouldn’t get completely drunk, sipping a glass of clean rum is good for your health and helps your brain take the time out it deserves.
Promote weight loss
Everyone enjoys a night out and having a few drinks to take the edge off, and for those on a diet may want a drink that has a lower level of calories. Can you guess what it’s going to be? Well, rum of course.
When compared to other alcoholic beverages it has a really low count, one serving has 97 calories. That isn’t a lot, especially when comparing it to other drinks. One serving of red wine has 125 calories, and a serving of beer has 153! Although a sweetened liqueur has an astounding 165 calories, so try to stay away from those.
Rum is a great, tasty and healthy choice for your health to have when you are out and just need a few drinks! And ours, to top things up, is also sugar free! So why not swap your usual beer for a nice glass of Illegal Tender Rum Co.?
Good for the old thumper
According to, heart diseases are a serious issue in Australia and affect over 1 million Australians, and 27% of deaths within Australia are caused by Cardiovascular diseases. But there is good news for those that like to drink rum every now and again, by lowering blood pressure and helping your heart!
If you or your family has a history of bad heart health – after checking up with your doctor – having a glass of rum once a week isn’t as cheeky as you thought, it’s actually good for your health! Having a moderate consumption of rum allows for your blood to thin, meaning that there is less chance of a blood clot within your heart. Lowering the risk of a heart attack. A healthy heart is indeed a healthy life.
Turns out rum is healthy! Need another bottle?
Yeah, rum is pretty great, and good for your health, if we do say so ourselves. When drinking in moderation, rum may relieve some health problems you may have. If you need a top-up, check out Illegal Tender Rum Co.! We have a range of Australian rum, these include; spiced, dark rums, white rums, and aged rums that you’re sure to love! Come around to one of our distributors, and get yourself a bottle. If you can’t make it to the shops, no worries, we have rum for sale online that you can order directly from our website!