Opportunity is around every corner and overflowing from every nook and cranny of society. Opportunity is so ubiquitous, we can hardly recognize it. The problem is that it is well disguised as challenge, wreckage, and hopeless ruin. Take a good look at the worst catastrophes of 2020. There, you will find some of the greatest opportunities of your life.
If everything was perfect, there would be no opportunities, nothing to fix, nothing to improve, and no way to leave your mark. Opportunity is the space between ruin and renewal. It is the vacuum left behind by the work that needs to be done and no one else willing to do it. That is when someone like you can step in and make a difference, get noticed, and get ahead.
Some see 2020 as the lost year. But you can view it as the perfect opportunity to hit the reset button. There is so much to be done and so little time to get started. 2020 is almost over. Shockingly effective coronavirus vaccines are right around the corner. 2021 will be the year of rebirth. It will be the year of Springtime after a Winter’s freeze. And you can be a major contributor to the process. Here’s how:
Become an Electrical Engineer
In 2021 and beyond, few people will be more in demand than those with an electrical engineering degree. This isn’t the stone ages. Our society runs on electricity. We cannot rebuild without it. When business rebounds (and it will), office buildings will need to be restored. Established businesses will need to rehire. Previously displaced workers will be looking to start their own businesses.
Right now, more homes have become offices. Many of those are older homes that were not built with the power consumption needs of a modern small business. In these older homes, a microwave oven can cause the lights to dim. Today, everyone in the house is running their own computer that is a thousand times more powerful than the one that put humans on the moon.
While we are in the process of rebuilding, perhaps someone can come up with a more innovative solution to prevent devastating power outages during the times of the year when we can least afford it. Is anyone even working on this problem? Why not you?
Become a Behavioral Therapist
Due to the pandemic, fatal overdoses soared among people with substance use disorder. These people need treatment that, in some states, is getting harder rather than easier to find. America can’t be fully rebuilt without these people. That is why we need more behavioral health specialists on the job.
It is easy to forget that “those people” are our brothers, sisters, parents, children, friends, neighbors, and favorite celebrities. Those people are us. We also need to be reminded that substance abuse disorder is a disease that can be treated. It is not a black mark on the soul any more than diabetes or heart disease. Rebuilding our society means reclaiming every life we can.
Become a Teacher
It is said that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. This is most unfortunate. Our children have no chance of understanding history if we can’t even agree on the facts of today. This is the state of our society at the time of this writing: we are not having discussions and debates on the interpretation of events. We can’t even agree on the events. Things that happened this morning are disputed by the afternoon. We must leave a better legacy than that.
This is why we need more teachers who are fully present in the moment. Our children need people who can speak accurately and impartially to the events of the day. 2020 will truly be a lost year if we do not record it and remember it as it really happened. Alternative facts on either side of the political aisle will greatly hamper the rebuilding process. Become a teacher so that we can all learn from the past, and the present.
Seldom has opportunity been so global. We can rebuild our society better and stronger than before. Don’t just wait for others to set to work. Become an electrical engineer, or a behavioral therapist, or a teacher. Take this opportunity to do whatever it is you do best and make your mark.