Being a hoarder is a terrible thing. You keep the items you do not need for no reason. It is a psychological disorder, and you need the help of an expert before concluding that you are. Hoarders have difficulty letting go of their possessions regardless of their value. You will know it when you already have several items stuck in your house, and you cannot decide what to do with them. Your home looks cluttered because of the sheer volume of these items.
It is not easy letting go of your possessions, but you need to start doing something about your problem because you are in an unhealthy environment. These tips will help begin a hoarder cleaning process.
Do not hurry things
You need to start slowly and find the items you are willing to let go. It is unhealthy to throw everything at once since there is a chance you might transfer your obsession onto other things. The key is to throw away a few items at a time until you have cleared everything out.
Do not put something aside
As you go through all the items in your house, you need to evaluate their importance only once. After touching an object, you need to decide if it stays or goes. Avoid keeping the items for now and deciding later. You might end up with no significant change if you have this attitude.
Save one of every kind
Try organizing all the things first for you to know which of them belong to the same category. Once you have categorized the items, you need to pick one of every kind and keep it. Find the one that is most valuable to you and throw the rest out. Having a collection of prized possessions is different from being a hoarder since the latter is a disorder.
Find a box
If it is a challenge for you deciding what to do with the things you cannot let go of, put them in a box. Seal the box and keep it in a storage area for at least six months. At that time, if you still feel attached to those things, you can take some of them back. However, if you survive six months without seeing those items, it is time to let go of them.
Donate your things
You might feel sick about the idea that you are throwing away things that are still useful. Instead of throwing these things away, you can donate them to charity. Other people might even find those things useful. You will also feel good that you helped others. And it will be very beneficial for your home to have these things removed.
Ask hoarder cleaning experts to come over
If it is challenging for you to organize everything, the best option is to ask cleaning experts to come over and do the job. They will help you get through the process. You might want to stay there to oversee the job, but you can also let them decide if it is too painful for you seeing things thrown away.
Learn how to let go since you are not in a healthy environment anymore.