Technological and industrial advancements of today have resulted in the manufacture of so many materials that can be used to bring up a structure. A structure erected with some of these materials results in stunning structures; however, you need to be keen on the components of the building materials. This is so because some of the chemicals used are harmful to the environment. And within a long period, when these chemicals are washed away by rain, they end up polluting both the land and water bodies. Therefore, it is crucial that before one gets on with the building of their shed, they go for eco-friendly materials.
An eco-friendly material can be classified as one that is environmentally friendly or one that has been reused or recycled. Some of the materials are highlighted below.
1. Bamboo
Bamboo is considered one of the strongest materials used in the construction industry. This is because it has excellent tensile strength and is ideal for building walls and floors. It is quite possible to erect your whole shed using bamboo; from base to top. Bamboo trees take a short period to grow as compared to other types of trees and require little care. The bamboo trees can also be reforested and thrive in any region of the world. Building a shed using bamboo is also very applicable while using 3DSHEDPLANS available online.
2. Recycled Steel Products
The initial production process of steel takes up a lot of energy as well as a substantial amount of time and costs quite a lot. Additionally, the smelting, shaping, and cutting processes require some form of expertise. Meaning that even the labor input in the production of new steel is needed every time. Therefore, the use of recycled steel in the building of your shed goes a long way into the utilization of all resources. Energy is saved, labor is utilized, and the overall costs are reduced to almost nothing. Although recycled steel may not be directly linked into being eco-friendly, we reduce the rate at which its production pollutes the environment.
3. Precast Concrete
Concrete first and foremost is a natural component; therefore, it is environmentally friendly as it is. Precast concrete, on the other hand, is concrete that has been formed into a particular shape or form then it is allowed to dry before being installed. It produces exemplary floors and walls to your shed. It falls a bit on the expensive side, but you are guaranteed a strong and long lasting shed that will stand the test of time. Concrete from brought-down structures can also be reused in the building of your shed. They may require a bit of reshaping, but it can be done. Well, dried concrete is resistant to erosion and termite infestation and can withstand all weather conditions. Wet or dry.
4. Soil
For an earthy touch, you may decide to build your shed using soil or other earth products such as bricks. A mud or brick built shed will for sure result in a majestic structure which is warm in the winter and cool in the summer. For such a shed, you will not require an air conditioning system. For a facelift, you are at liberty to paint the structure as you desire. Meaning that such a structure may be made to even look like a castle. Quite a priceless structure at a very low cost and most of all, very eco-friendly.
The materials mentioned above are just a few from a whole lot of eco-friendly materials. Others include straw bales, recycled plastic, reused wood, sheep’s wool, plant-based rigid foam made from hemp, the list is endless. Therefore, why not explore and experiment using such materials? They give your shed an amazing look and at the same time, saves our planet.
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