Studying abroad is a fantastic opportunity that you should take advantage of if you get the chance. Naturally, a lot of people do find it a little bit scary to leave their house and home behind and move to the great unknown. However, with the following study abroad in Australia tips, you should be able to have a fantastic time.
Top Study Abroad in Australia Tips
If you want to study for a period greater than 3 months, you will have to apply for a visa in Australia. Thankfully, this is very easy to do and the process is fully online. However, there is a significant fee involved. If you want to save money, therefore, you may want to choose a study visit of less than three months.
Sometimes, it is required to get health insurance. You need to check with the health insurance that you currently have whether it will cover you when you are working or studying overseas. If not, you may want to check World Nomads or another organization for your insurance.
Australia is a very big country so you need to consider where you want to go to study. They are both rural areas and cities and choosing between those should be down not just to your personal interests but also to which one fits best with your study. For instance, if you are studying to be a marine biology graduate, then going somewhere near the Great Barrier Reef with make the most sense. If you are studying business, then Sydney would be a better location.
You will suffer from jet lag. There is a significant time difference between Australia and wherever it is in this country that you live and your body will have to adjust to that. Make sure you force yourself to go to sleep by no earlier than 9 p.m. on the evening and that you wake up no later than 9 a.m. on the morning.
Australia is not a cheap country. In fact, Melbourne and Sydney are known to be some of the most expensive cities in the world. Groceries, housing, and pretty much everything more expensive here.
The seasons or the other way around. If it is summer for you then it is winter in Australia and vice versa. When it is winter in Australia, so summer for you, it does actually get cold depending on where you are.
Australia is an incredibly big country. A lot of people I hope to be able to see and do it all but that will be virtually impossible unless you are taking around a year off.
Crocodile Dundee is not a real person. Yes people will say g’day but that is the only real part of that movie. Of course, there is Aussie slang to be aware of but even that slang sounds different depending on where you are in the country.
Learn about the country before you go. This will avoid you stereotyping people but it will also stop you from making silly mistakes. For instance, the capital of Australia is not Sydney or Melbourne, it is Canberra..