Certain foods remain staples throughout history. But what might seem like the same old grub and drink as always can be altered for more enjoyment. There are always ways to put some pizazz on these items to make them both modern and timeless. Let’s look at five of these:
1) Wonderful Water
Water is anything but boring when done correctly. Take a two-liter pitcher and combine lemon, cucumber, and mint for a beverage that is light and refreshing. Or consider infusing your favorite fruits with water and letting it soak overnight. Lemon and lime juice is another way to put a little something extra in your water to tantalize your tastebuds. Any fruit can work; however, consider using a strainer to eliminate some of the pulp.
2) Groovy Guacamole
Isn’t guacamole the greatest? Whether the guac is avocado heavy and or chunky due to extra veggies, there are many ways to make this classic treat. Some folks prefer pico de gallo and hot sauce, whereas others take a more natural approach. If meant for later, squirt lemon juice on top to avoid discoloration. Another idea is to swirl the guacamole with cheese sauce to make for a dually delectable treat. Guacamole, cheese, and salsa is a glorious trifecta.
3) Cooler Coffee
Coffee is the nectar of the gods. If the thought of a steaming hot cup of joe is too much for these summer days, try making iced coffee. Also, consider upgrading to a French press coffee system. Never again scoop instant grounds into a cup of lukewarm water. Something better awaits. Furthermore, there is no need to pay for ridiculously overpriced coffee when you have a better alternative in your kitchen. Who doesn’t want a little extra pep in their step?
4) Snazzy Salad
Whoever said salads were not a meal knows not of what they speak. Depending on the base of the salad [iceberg, spinach, romaine], an entire world of possibilities exists. When done correctly, salads should be a filling and nutritionally viable main course. Proteins such as chicken, avocado, and seeds give a filling base for the salad. Accessorize freely with vegetables and capers. A drizzle of an olive oil dressing provides healthy fat to round out the meal. Lemon juice is another viable alternative for some extra tang.
5) Creative Cookies
Cookies are the backbone of dessert. Whether their decorations are kept simple or kicked into high gear, the cookie is a blank canvas. If there are children in the home, ask their input. Grab some icing and let them doodle on the creation. Perhaps try incorporating unconventional ingredients, such as pretzels or maple syrup. Make it a game to use whatever ingredients you can find in the kitchen to decorate a cookie or create special theme nights. Think outside of the cookie box as there are countless options to choose from.
Put your imagination to work, and don’t be hesitant to incorporate your spin on things. The possibilities are endless. Work your magic and see the creations that await you!