Everyone spends too much time looking at their screens. The way the modern world is going, it doesn’t look like that’s going to change anytime soon. Between social media and working from home, functioning in a normal society means we’re costly lighting our faces blue. While you may not be able to fly to a Mediterranean beach or hike up into the mountains right now, there are still ways to give yourself the weekend break you need and deserve. If you’re feeling yourself getting stressed at work, it’s time to plan your mindful weekend off. Here are a few ways to make the most of your mindful weekend away from screens.
Spend some time in nature
Mother Nature is the best tonic when it comes to stress at work. Lounging about in the grass or running through the woods will make you feel infinitely better, allowing you to see a different perspective in regards to your own life. Nature will cleanse your mind and unplugging yourself from screens will allow you to release a lot of that excess stress we all keep bottled up. Even if you’re going out for a short walk, time spent in the fresh air and away from screens will have a transformative effect on your peace of mind. If you want to take it that step further, why not organise a camping trip? Drive up to a top spot, alongside a Hangout Pod, and you can chill out beside a campfire while admiring the stars.
We don’t want to sound repetitive, but fresh air really can do wonders for your mental and physical health. Getting outside and moving your body releases tons of endorphins, showering your body with a variety of feel-good chemicals. It doesn’t have to be a long workout either – raising your resting heartbeat for half an hour can have a profound effect on your mind and physical wellbeing. Of course – jogging isn’t always the number one choice. Swimming, cycling and lifting weights are all workouts that will keep you happy on your mindful weekend. During the resting period, you’ll feel right as rain.
Meditation sessions
Don’t get the wrong end of the stick – meditation is so much more than hippy trousers and incense. Meditation can make you feel focused, calm and super relaxed. Much like building muscle, meditation helps to build and fortify the mental side of your wellbeing. Find a quiet, relaxing room (a hanging pod is great for outside) and spend some time focusing on your breathing. Breathe in through your nose, hold for four seconds and then breathe out through your mouth. After ten minutes of sustained focus, you should start to feel calmer. Remember – the more you practice, the better you’ll start to feel. In terms of unplugging and spending time away from screens, meditation sessions are the best way forward.
Limit screen time
As much as we’d love it to be a reality, it’s clear that some people can’t spend time away from their phone because of family or work commitments. If you haven’t got a choice, there are still ways to limit the time you spend on your phone or computer. Keep yourself busy with other activities, such as reading or exercising, and install time limits on your phone to stop that instinctual urge to scroll Instagram.
Start reading
Reading is a great way to spend your digital detox. With the urge to grab your phone always there in the week, it can be difficult to put away half an hour to read a good book. Whether you’re a dedicated sci-fi nerd or you want to catch up on some classics, taking your mind to another world and focusing on your reading is a sure-fire way to chill out.
Digital detoxes should be the norm for everyone working with computers or screens. Spending time away from the blue light will help you put things in perspective, especially during a lockdown. Whether you’re going for a camping weekend away or just practising your meditation, spending some time with yourself is always healthy.