Your entire life, you dreamed of finding someone who will complete you. There might even be a checklist hidden in your notebook detailing the qualities you want in a person. Although it is alright that you want an ideal partner, it does not mean that you will find one. You also cannot expect the person you are going to marry to stay the same forever. Despite these flaws and differences, you need to be understanding. If your primary goal is to find a perfect partner, you will end up being single forever.
Marrying someone whom you do not consider as an ideal person is okay. You will find it difficult to accept the flaws at first, but you will soon learn to live with them. You become more tolerant because you married the entire person and not only the parts that you like.
A healthy relationship is also one where you try your best to help each other grow. You can use your influence as a partner to help change the flaws. Just make sure you do not cross the line. Be patient in changing the person you love since it could take time.
You are not perfect either
You need to recognise that you also have flaws. You probably hate each other for these issues. If your partner could work with you or even embrace these flaws, you do not have any reason for not doing the same.
Maintain open communication
It also helps to be in a relationship where you are free to tell each other how you feel. It allows you to be direct in explaining the problem without them feeling offended. If you are constantly honest with each other, it is a tool for both of you to grow. For instance, if you say to your partner that you disliked an attitude displayed in public, it will not lead to hurt feelings. Instead, your partner will think of it as a comment coming from a place of love. Besides, if you are throwing hurtful words at each other to hurt one another, you are not in a healthy relationship anymore. It takes time to reach a point when you can freely say to each other how you feel without feeling terrible. Even partners who have been together for a long time are still working on these issues.
Prepare not only for the wedding
When you are yet to get married, you might be too busy dealing with the wedding details. It is understandable if you spend a lot of money to have an elaborate wedding that has all the elements that you want. You might choose a wedding car hire London companies offer because you want to feel like royalty during the wedding day.
However, you also need to focus on your future together as a married couple. Dealing with your marriage is a more difficult task, and it is a process that you need to work on starting from the time that you get engaged.
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