For many, there is just something alluring about getting a facial piercing. It can at times be mysterious, and perhaps a little rebellious at the same time. Maybe you might have had the urge to have a septum piercing, and it is quite understandable why. While some might feel like it looks like a bull’s piercing, the septum piercing is relatively low-key, allowing you to hide the jewelry when at work as it is not completely obvious.
That said, it would not be a good idea to spontaneously go for a septum piercing – at least not without learning more about the process. Here are just a few things to consider before getting a septum piercing.
While the pain will not be ridiculous, there is going to be pain
Those with high pain tolerance likely will not even raise an eyebrow, but make no mistake – it is going to hurt. The process involves the piercer looking for the spot where the skin and cartilage are at their thinnest before finally piercing. For some, the pain comes from the act of piercing itself, while for others, most of the pain comes when the jewelry is inserted. Either way, it is vital to brace yourself before receiving a septum piercing as there is going to be a noticeable amount of pain.
Septum piercings can take a while to heal
Of course, there is no guarantee when the septum piercing will fully heal, though on average, it usually takes about eight weeks. It is also critical that you exercise best practice methods when it comes to taking care of your piercing during the healing process. You will likely receive a spray to use when things get too painful, which can go a long way to easing the soreness.
That said, keep in mind that if you do not give it enough time to heal and remove the jewelry, there is an increased likelihood that the piercing will close. While some might take it as a sign that piercings are not for them, others decide to have it pierced once more – repeating the whole process.
Not everyone is going to like your piercing
While it depends on where you live, your family as well as your friends, not everyone is going to be accepting when it comes to someone they know getting a piercing. You could be made fun of, or they could be disappointed in your actions. However, what is important is that it is your choice what you do with your body, and those people have no say in it. After all, even if it is a little unusual, a classy septum ring can make you look great.
The decision to get a piercing is all up to you. Consider the points above, and if you still feel like getting your septum pierced, do not let anyone stop you. Simply keep in mind that you will need to take good care of the wound to ensure that it does not close and force you to repeat the process.
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