Whether you’re looking to purchase a new book to take with you on your next vacation or you are simply in need of a gripping page-turner, simply continue reading to discover some of the best books to read this year. All of which will exceed your expectations.
The best books to read this year:
1. War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
While War and Peace may be one of the longest books which you read this year, you will be shocked at what a page turner it is. War and Peace which was written by the Russian author Leo Tolstoy is told through the perspectives of a diverse cast of characters all of whom live through the French Invasion of Russia.
Examples of some of the characters whose stories are told throughout the pages of War and Peace include Natasha Rostova who comes of age, during the novel’s duration and enters Russian society, Pierre Bezukhov an illegitimate son who inherits his aging father’s title and fortune and Andrei Bolkonsky, a highly respected, titled man who fights against Napoleon on the battlefield.
2. The Alchemist by Paul Cohelo
If you’re interested in reading a book which you’ll want to read over and over, it’s well worth picking up a copy of The Alchemist. The Alchemist tells the story of a young sheepherder, who ends up traveling through foreign lands and making new friends and acquaintances and learning valuable life lessons along the way.
While The Alchemist is an entertaining story, which you’ll find extremely hard to put down, there are many passages within its pages which offer wise quotes, which are likely to have a profound impact on your day to day life and the way which you look at life, happiness, and your lifelong goals.
3. Nineteen-Eighty-Four by George Orwell
While Nineteen-Eighty-Four is not a new release, it’s cautionary tale is just as suited to modern day society as it was when it was first published. Nineteen-Eighty-Four tells the tale of what happens when a controlling dictatorship seeks to take control of its citizens’ thoughts, feelings, and emotions. In fact, Nineteen-Eighty-Four famously coined the term big brother, to describe a government which tries to keep tabs on its citizens at all times.
4. Anything Is Possible by Elizabeth Strout
If you’re more interested in reading a contemporary novel, which is easy to relate to, it’s well worth getting your hands on a copy of Anything Is Possible, which is a drama, which is told through the perspectives of multiple characters, all of whom live in the same small town. Two of the novel’s central characters are sisters. One of whom marries a rich man who she doesn’t love and the other who happens to find a kindred spirit who soon changes her life in rich, profound ways.
So whether you’re interested in picking up a book for your next vacation or you’re simply an avid reader on the hunt for new books to add to your reading list, it’s well worth reading all four of the best selling books listed above.