The idea of mental illness among humans has always carried with it a stigma. Fortunately, those notions are slowly beginning to fade, allowing the topic a greater approach and treatment significantly higher accessibility.
The more knowledge gathered on the topic in regard to people, it becomes increasingly apparent that our furry companions have a similar capacity for suffering distresses along the lines of common human conditions like depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety. The only difference is puppy has no clear cut way to express their need for help as we do. Take this for ideas on treatments including hemp products.
A Dog’s Capacity For Mental Illness Is Equal To That Of A Human
According to claims, a dog’s brain has resemblances to that of a human, particularly as it relates to emotions. A canine has the inclination for self-harm or causing detriment to their health with the cessation of eating or exercising when they experience depression or anxiety in the way people tend to cope. The same is true in cases of OCD; a pup will perform specific activities repetitively excessively as a person would.
The unfortunate aspect is that dogs can’t tell their parents how they’re suffering, whether they’re upset, anxious, or depressed. The only recourse is for a pup to expose their emotions through behavioral changes. It’s critical as a pet parent to pay close attention to the slightest abnormality in a canine’s attitude or routine.
Too often, the slightest difference is seen as just a quirky, harmless single event. But ignoring unusual occurrences in personality, potentially serving as a mental health symptom, could ultimately affect the dog’s overall well-being. As is true with humans, the higher the level of stress, fears, phobias, worries, the lesser quality of health, and a decrease in overall lifespan.
What Makes A Dog Suffer From Poor Mental Health
Like people, dogs can suffer from disorders in their mental health for a number of reasons, particularly what they view as a change in their daily stability. A pup is not fond of variations from what they become familiar with or grow to love. Major upheavals such as a new baby being brought home or the loss of a pet parent, or moving to a new home can all result in episodes of puppy ‘panic attacks’.
When you notice abnormal behavior, it’s vital to consider the environment in determining what brings stress and upset to puppy for which you will need to find a way to resolve. Some things you can attribute the behavior to include:
- A recent kennel stays or having been caged
- Puppy suffering an illness or in pain
- Adding a new member to the household
- Someone in the family left home
- Brought in a new animal
- Took out furniture and brought in new
You want to know that your dog is happy, healthy, and safe. Whether it’s related to a mental condition or a passing illness, a behavioral change needs to be addressed immediately with the pet’s regular vet. Symptoms to be mindful of include:
** Anxiety
- Hiding
- Shaking
- Licking/grooming excessively
- Vomiting or diarrhea
- Behaving destructively
- Trying to escape
- Injuring itself
- A decrease in play or exercise
** Depression
- Excessive sleep/lethargy
- Appetite changes
- Drastic weight changes
- Declining water/treats
- Social isolation
- Shedding excessively
- Reduction in play or exercise
- Extreme, sudden changes in behavior
** OCD
- Mutilation of self
- Intense, repetitive behaviors
- Chasing tail excessively
- Reduced playfulness
Treating Dogs With Disorders
Puppies require a great deal of time, attention, love, and mental/physical stimulation in a normal situation. But for those suffering an illness, particularly mental illness, extra care is required. Believe it or don’t, but learning proper techniques to provide your dog with a gentle massage can do wonders in easing anxieties.
It’s also critical to consult with the vet to develop a treatment plan inclusive of natural, safe remedies such as CBD oil. The substance has become known for properties that boast as beneficial in reducing symptoms relating to anxiety and stress, along with decreasing pain. Items have been specially created for dogs online, visit, with formulas that make administration simple, so there’s no additional stress for the puppy.
When you’re aware of the indications for these conditions and what types of changes can bring these reactions, you can potentially manage modifications to puppy’s life in a gentler manner with the advice of the vet. Sadly, our lovely canine companions don’t get a say whether things stay the way they grow accustomed to or not. But we have an obligation to learn ways to ease them into new situations, so they can ultimately fall in love with something a little different from what they’re used to.